A smart program that keeps the screen on whereas you're wanting your device. this needs a front facial camera for face recognition. make sure that your device is capable of recognizing your face. This fat-free version let's you to begin and stop the service and manage the Blind List while not modification the essential parameters like the scan time or the scan delay.
Note if one thing goes wrong whereas change from previous version, uninstall the app so set up it!
Remember to prevent and restart the service once you created a modification otherwise the changes won't be recognized.
Note if one thing goes wrong whereas change from previous version, uninstall the app so set up it!
Remember to prevent and restart the service once you created a modification otherwise the changes won't be recognized.
DOWNLOAD FROM HERE : https://play.google.com/ store/apps/ details?id=com.iseeyoulite& feature=search_result#?t=W 251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5pc2V leW91bGl0ZSJd
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